Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment Vision

We knew it had to be total dedication without personal withdrawal. It was a thankless job trying to gather academicians and professionals of like minds but when we came together it became a truly life enchanting team. The excitement we wanted was seeing lives re-positioned paying no attention, almost nil to personal economic gain. We now have more than 3,000 participants who came off the streets and went into respected, responsible and nationalistically driven lives. This success has far exceeded our self and community transformation pledge. There are and will be relentless researches in establishing the best needs to unleash potentials that will in its path curb social-ills. Ably supporting this cause and research are Professors, Technocrats, Academicians and Professionals

Our proven empowerment program has successfully turned out several thousand underachievers who have found purposeful lives and are always returning to express their gratitude’s. This programme has brought new meaning to the families of these participants and thus we have communities turning around to empowering their lives. Our effort has also been successful as word of mouth, the trusted form of advertisement, effectively assisting us to draw truly interested participants. The growing interest has to be slowed down due to financial constraints and thus the formation of this initiatives will drive us on as we passionately pursue this objective. The programmes in place have a diversity of interactive patterned learning that eventually takes control of their lives that had been misdirected by other not useful pursuits.

  • Evaluation

Amongst the team of trainers we have industrial experts who fuse with psychologists to establish training programmes that drives intrinsic powered thinking and behaviours that create definite success stories. The creative aspect in our programme instils focus that is primary for powered leadership. Those in this programme are taught to continually improvise their business acumen leading to unprecedented achievements regardless of the business they are in. The training is conducted in easy steps but using highly successful practices.

Contact Information

A23-2A Jalan TKS 1

Taman Kajang Sentral

43000 Kajang


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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Youth Empowerment Programs



  • LIFE is designed to help the youths to move forward in life and also to value importance of success and also to show them how to achieve it.
  • LIFE is not considered as skills training alone, but rather uses the competency skills in creating high value youths

Mobile Phone Repair Skills

Aircond Installation and Servicing Skills

Electrical and Wiring Skills

Plumbing Skills

Baking & Pastry Skills

Focus Group Empowerment Program (Juvenile)

Frozen Food

Domestic and Industrial Sewing Skills

CCTV Installation Skills

Electronics and IR4.0 Skills

Youth Entrepreneurship Program

Youth Leadership Program slot gacor slot gacor
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